Tech Readiness Videos

There's so much to learn about Azure Stack HCI, and these videos will give you the best possible insight
into the Azure Stack HCI technology.

Azure Virtual Desktop on Azure Stack HCI

A look at running Azure Virtual Desktop on Azure Stack HCI. What the architecture looks like and how it works!

Azure Stack HCI Walkthrough

My colleague John Savill has 250k followers on YouTube and in this excellent video he explains what Azure Stack HCI is and when you would use it.

Complete Azure Stack HCI 23H2 install by John Savill

John Savill: "I had people ask what that integration and Azure management REALLY looked like so in this video I walk through a start to finish Azure Stack HCI deployment then deploy some workloads!"

Azure Stack HCI 23H2 Azure Arc 
VM Management

In this Azure Stack HCI Show Manfred Helber and I spoke about the new Azure-based managemenet for VMs on Azure Stack HCI 23H2.

Azure Stack HCI 23H2 role-based management

In this Azure Stack HCI Show Manfred Helber and I spoke about Azure Stack HCI 23H2 and role-based management for clusters and VMs.

Azure Stack HCI 23H2 cloud-based deployment

In this Azure Stack HCI Show Manfred Helber and I spoke about the new Azure-based deployment for Azure Stack HCI 23H2.

How to migrate to Azure Stack HCI version 23H2

You want to migrate from Azure Stack HCI 22H2 to 23H2 before an official upgrade path is available? Watch the Azure Stack HCI Show recording and see available options presented by Manfred Helber and me.

How to run Azure Virtual Desktop 

A huge thank you to Microsoft Mechanics for explaining how to run Azure Virtual Desktop on Azure Stack HCI in a short and crisp way.

Azure Arc and Resource Bridge

In this Azure Stack HCI Show Manfred Helber and I spoke about hybrid VM management for Azure Stack HCI. Topics in this show are:
# Azure Arc
-#Azure Arc Resource Bridge
# Deployment and Management of Azure Stack HCI VMs

You have great Azure Stack HCI videos to share?

Please contact me via LinkedIn or post it direktly on Azure Stack HCI Tech Talk

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